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Ray-Ban RB3025 Classic Polarized Aviator Sunglasses
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Ray-Ban RB3025 Classic Polarized Aviator Sunglasses

Product ID: 1285220
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Originally designed for U.S. aviators in 1937, Ray-Ban RB3025 Aviator sunglasses have quickly become one of the most iconic sunglasses models in the world. These perfect Ray-Ban Aviators for women and men are a timeless model that combines great aviator styling with exceptional quality, performance, and comfort. Aviator sunglasses by Ray-Ban are comfortable unisex glasses that are offered in multiple frame- and lens-color options. Made famous by the 1980s movie Top Gun and others, these Ray-Ban sunglasses for women and men are known for elegant wire frames that are durable and built to last. With a classic metal frame, you can see the world through a variety of lens colors including crystal brown, crystal green, G-15 non-polarized, and more—all of which provide optimal visual clarity and 100% UV protection. G-15 lenses absorb 85% of visible light and block out most blue light. They provide amazing color contrast and produce better clarity and more natural vision. These sunglasses for women and men are comfortable to wear and make a statement anywhere you wear them. To keep them clean, we’ve included a lens cloth in the case.Ray-Ban is the world’s most iconic eyewear brand and is a global leader in its sector. Every model in the Ray-Ban collection is the product of meticulous, original styling that translates the best of the latest fashion trends into an ever-contemporary look for millions of Ray-Ban wearers around the world. From the early Aviator style that emerged in 1937 to the introduction of the classic Wayfarer in 1952, Ray-Ban is a brand that embodies America, adventure, great cities, wide-open spaces, heroism, individuality, and authenticity.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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