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CURT 61052 Over-Bed Folding Ball Gooseneck Hitch, 30,000 lbs, 2-5/16-Inch Ball , Black
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CURT 61052 Over-Bed Folding Ball Gooseneck Hitch, 30,000 lbs, 2-5/16-Inch Ball , Black

Product ID: 13417025
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The CURT folding ball gooseneck hitch is an innovation in gooseneck technology, offering a unique solution to the problem of a misplaced or stolen trailer ball. Rather than having a fixed trailer ball that obstructs your truck bed space or a removable ball that locks into place using a set of pins, a folding ball gooseneck hitch features a permanently attached ball that hinges down into a small compartment within the hitch. When folded down, the gooseneck ball remains out of the way and allows you to make full use of your truck bed. When folded back up again, it provides a reliable towing connection for your gooseneck trailer. No matter which position the ball is in, it remains fixed to your pickup truck, deterring theft and preventing loss. The CURT over-bed folding ball gooseneck hitch is just another example of CURT quality and ease of use. This durable hitch has a gross trailer weight capacity up to 30,000 lbs. and a tongue weight capacity of 7,500 lbs. A 2-5/16" trailer ball, 3/8" thick top plate, six-hole mounting design and U-bolt safety chain hookups ensure that your trailer and payload stay securely attached. The folding mechanism of the over-bed folding ball gooseneck hitch features a stainless steel safety pin and pivot spring to prevent binding, and it comes with a T-handle to make operation of the ball quick and easy. To top things off.

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