Bluebird Unsweetened Orange Juice Cans, 5.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 48)
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Bluebird Unsweetened Orange Juice Cans, 5.5 Fl Oz (Pack of 48)

Product ID: 18272837
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Florida's Natural Growers was organized in 1933 by growers who had a personal interest in bringing the best possible citrus products to the market. Today, we are one of the largest Florida citrus cooperatives of growers, with a membership base of 13 grower associations. The entire cooperative is made up of more than 1,000 grower-members who own more than 50,000 acres of fine citrus groves in the heart of central Florida. We own the land, and we personally nurture the fruit until it reaches peak ripeness. Because we process and package everything ourselves, we can guarantee the quality of our citrus juices. Citrus growing is a time-honored tradition in central Florida, one that has been passed down through generations. Our grower families came together through Florida's Natural Growers to ensure that the knowledge and lands our grandfathers passed down to us continue to thrive and to cultivate the juiciest, best tasting oranges you can get anywhere in the world. As a grower-owned operation, we believe it's important to know exactly where your family's food and drinks come from. Our Florida’s Natural® Brand Premium juices are made and packaged right here in the U.S. so every time you pour a glass, you can be sure that it's always fresh and never imported.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

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