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TotalBoat - 520628 Aluminum Boat Paint for Canoes, Bass Boats, Dinghies, Duck Boats, Jon Boats and Pontoons (Army Green, Gallon), 1 Gallon (Pack of 1)
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TotalBoat - 520628 Aluminum Boat Paint for Canoes, Bass Boats, Dinghies, Duck Boats, Jon Boats and Pontoons (Army Green, Gallon), 1 Gallon (Pack of 1)

Product ID: 230026219
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TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Paint gives aluminum and galvanized metal boats a corrosion-resistant, non-reflective low-sheen finish. TotalBoat is specifically formulated for aluminum, making it ideal for your jon boat, duck boat, flat bottom boats, bass boats, canoe, dinghy, pontoon boat, trailers, houseboats, and other aluminum boats or boat parts, such as railings and spars. It also comes in camo colors that you can apply one layer at a time for a custom camouflage pattern to improve concealment in natural settings. Or mix colors for a more realistic blend for your particular hunting or fishing area to conceal your duck or hunting blind, tree stands and ladders. Use on etch-washed metal as a topcoat or as a primer and apply the topcoat of your choice. Using an etch wash cleaner on aluminum and other difficult-to paint metals removes corrosion and improves paint adhesion. This easy-to-use water-based polyurethane can be applied directly to prepared substrates with a brush, roller or spray gun. You'll also finish faster because Aluminum Boat paint dries extremely fast; overcoat in just 1 hour at 72 degrees F without sanding between coats. Before the final coat, wait 12 hours, sand lightly and remove residue. Let the final coat dry for 48 hours, and you're ready to put the boat in the water.TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Paint can be used above or below the waterline on boats used in fresh or saltwater. Chromate-free finish has a low VOC content of 75 g/L, very little odor, and cleans up easily with soap and water. Note: TotalBoat Aluminum Boat Paint does not prevent barnacles and weeds from clinging to your boat bottom. For protection use TotalBoat AlumiPaint AF bottom paint for aluminum boats. Compare to flat finish paints like Sea Hawk Aluma Hawk, Majic Paints Camouflage Paint, Parker Coatings Duck Boat Paint and Duralux Aluminum Boat Marine Paint. All TotalBoat products are developed for boaters by boaters, to provide great value and great results. 100% made in the USA.

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