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Eco Friendly, Grease Proof 12" x 12" Deli Wrap 100 Pk. Best Kraft Food Wrapping Paper Sheets for Picnic, Festival, Fair or BBQ. Perfect Liner for Tray, Basket or Boat. Quality Bulk Restaurant Supply
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Eco Friendly, Grease Proof 12" x 12" Deli Wrap 100 Pk. Best Kraft Food Wrapping Paper Sheets for Picnic, Festival, Fair or BBQ. Perfect Liner for Tray, Basket or Boat. Quality Bulk Restaurant Supply

Product ID: 234467202
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Impress your customers and keep your food fresh with our recycled, grease-resistant kraft paper liners!Plus, each sheet has so many different uses! They can be used as liners for baskets, trays, or food boats. Or, use them to wrap sandwiches or burritos. The greaseproof quality also makes them great as butcher paper. Or, you can use them as disposable microwave liners - they're 100% microwavable!The best quality liners for your food business!They're the perfect accessory for restaurants, diners, barbeque joints, food trucks, and concession stands.Durable power suitable for any food.Our strong, grease-proof liners can stand up to any food you throw at it! Hot sandwiches, baked treats, pastry, bread fried food, mozzarella cheese sticks, fast food, fish and chips are all no match for their strong power.100% Unbleached and Chlorine Free.We know the food you serve is delicious and natural. We think your food wrappers should be too! Don't worry about unnatural chemicals and bleaches getting into your precious food with our 100% unbleached liners. What’s in the box?One pack of 100 (one hundred) kraft paper food wrap sheets. The size of each square sheet is 12 inches by 12 inches. Our liners are made from recycled paper.Satisfaction Assured for Life!If you aren’t completely satisfied with your order, simply email us, and we will respond within 24 hours to make it right even on the weekends. We absolutely assure your satisfaction!

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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