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Bob Smith Industries BSI-142 Clear Foam-Cure, Craft Glue, 4 oz.
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Bob Smith Industries BSI-142 Clear Foam-Cure, Craft Glue, 4 oz.

Product ID: 344460245
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FOAM-CURE is a silicone based adhesive that works very well on EPP and EPO foams. It is crystal clear and cures to a more flexible consistency than CA. It is, however, not instant bonding like CA and there is no accelerator to speed it’s curing. To obtain a faster initial bond when bonding two pieces, FOAM-CURE can be applied to one piece and after the two are joined, they can then be pulled apart. After letting it air dry for about ten minutes, FOAM-CURE will act like a contact cement when the parts are rejoined, resulting in enough tack strength to allow the next steps of assembly. Full strength is reached in 10-12 hours. FOAM-CURE works with all foams, and will actually bond most other materials. It will bond wood and plastic to foam, and is a good canopy glue. FOAM-CURE does not, however, cure flexible enough to act as a hinge for aircraft control surfaces. Its limitations occur when bonding large areas of two non-porous materials. FOAM-CURE requires exposure to air for drying. If one tried to bond, for example, a half-dollar coin to glass, over 90% of the adhesive would never cure, since the solvent it contains would have no where to evaporate. A small amount of denatured alcohol can be mixed into the Foam-Cure to make it thinner. Directions in 5 different languages.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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