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SABRE 2-in-1 Clip-on Personal Alarm & LED Safety Light
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SABRE 2-in-1 Clip-on Personal Alarm & LED Safety Light

Product ID: 455325433
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Stay safe on your next run with the ability to scare off an attacker or call for help with the SABRE 2-in-1 Clip-On Personal Alarm with LED Safety Light. The 120dB siren is extremely loud and is audible up to 1,300 feet (395 meters), helping to deter an attacker and help you to escape to safety. A bright, eye catching LED light helps to make you more visible on walks and runs. 3 LED light modes (always on, slow flash and fast flash) help you to stand out and stay safe while running through neighborhoods, streets and trails. Weatherproof and sweatproof design makes this personal alarm the perfect companion for runs in any weather. Compact, minimalist Black design is discreet and does not distract you during workouts. Personal Protection You Can Trust: SABRE is the #1 pepper spray brand trusted by police & consumers & a leader in the personal safety category Attention Grabbing Alarm: Ear-piercing 120dB siren is audible up to 1,300-feet (395-meters); Helps deter an attacker by attracting attention from those nearby so you can escape to safety Maximize Visibility with 3 Light Modes: 3 light modes (always on, slow flash and fast flash) increase visibility in low light, helping to make walking and running safer in the dark Compact and Easy to Carry: Compact, minimalist design does not distract you during workouts. Built-in clip attaches onto clothing and bags so it’s easy to carry everywhere Stay Safe with Free Safety Training: Feel secure with every SABRE product; Packaging includes links to free training videos so that, in the face of danger, you are better prepared to use your SABRE Personal Safety Alarm

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago