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Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener Packets, Sugar Substitute, 250 Ct.
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Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener Packets, Sugar Substitute, 250 Ct.

Product ID: 458268143
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Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener packets are perfect for coffee, iced tea and other drinks. The zero-calorie sweetener you know and love dissolves quickly in hot or cold beverages, adding sweetness to every sip.Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener can be useful in the diets of individuals with diabetes. Sugar substitutes, such as Equal, can be used to sweeten foods and drinks with less calories and carbohydrates when they replace table sugar. One serving of Equal contains zero calories and less than one gram of carbohydrate. Those with diabetes or concerned about glucose levels should consider the impact on their diet of other ingredients used in foods sweetened with Equal. A food or beverage containing Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener may still have calories and carbohydrates, so always check the Nutrition Facts panel or other sources. Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener: Each packet of this sugar substitute has the same sweetness as two teaspoons of sugar. Zero Calorie Sweetener: This convenient 250-count box of Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener packets has zero calories, fat, sodium or carbs per serving. Great Tasting Sweetener: Perfect for recipes, cereal and drinks! Use these sweetener packets to sweeten everything from coffee to fruit smoothies. Gluten Free and Kosher Sugar Alternative: Equal Zero Calorie Sweetener is gluten free and kosher parve certified by the Orthodox Union. Diabetic Sweetener: This sweetener is suitable for individuals with diabetes. Replacing added sugar with zero-calorie sweeteners can help individuals with diabetes manage their health while enjoying sweetened food and beverages. Keto Diet Friendly: Less than 1 gram of carbs per serving. Sugar Substitute: A delicious and sweet alternative to sugar, raw sugar and baking sugar, as well as stevia, erythritol sweeteners and other sweeteners. Coffee Sweetener: This sweetener is a great tasting low carb choice for sweetening coffee or any other beverage.

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Farhan Q.

The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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