Aqua Culture Aquarium Fish Tank or Terrarium, 10 Gallon
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Aqua Culture Aquarium Fish Tank or Terrarium, 10 Gallon

Product ID: 459194143
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Add a touch of nature to your space with the Aqua Culture 10 Gallon Fish Tank. This starter tank is an easy way to discover the joys of fish or small reptile ownership, with a comfortable habitat that's easy to maintain. The 10-gallon aquarium is constructed from high-strength silicone glass that provides a permanent watertight seal. Its 10 gallon size makes it ideal for a small school of freshwater fish, several snails, a few hermit crabs or even a small turtle. The glass aquarium can be easily paired with an Aqua Culture screen cover for a turtle tank or hermit crab habitat or an Aqua Culture LED aquarium hood for fish and aquatic pets. The tank's rectangular shape makes it easy to place on a table or other flat surface or on an appropriately-rated aquarium stand. Each unit includes one 22"L x 12"W x 13.5"H aquarium; additional items are sold separately. Ideal starter fish tank or terrarium for a wide range of fish and reptiles 22"L x 12"W x 13.5"H empty 10-gallon aquarium Constructed of high-strength silicone glass Simply add appropriate accessories, a pump and the species of your choice Pair with an Aqua Culture screen cover for a turtle tank or hermit crab habitat or use with the Aqua Culture LED aquarium hood for fish and aquatic pets Glass aquarium provides a permanent watertight seal Rectangular shape is easy to place on a table or other flat surface or on an appropriately-rated aquarium stand Accessories, food, water treatments, aquarium stands, hoods and screen covers are sold separately For freshwater and marine applications 10 Gallon

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