Mainstays 16 oz Insulated Food Jar with No Leak Lid, Stainless Steel
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Mainstays 16 oz Insulated Food Jar with No Leak Lid, Stainless Steel

Product ID: 460400986
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You are sure to find this by Mainstays to be a useful and efficient way to store a variety of liquids from soups to cold refreshing drinks. This attractive brushed metal 16-ounce container is built to last and is made durable. You can count on this container to keep due to its double-walled insulated construction. Its wide mouth makes it great for storing cold drinks or soup as well. The no-leak lid on the container will not only secure your liquid inside but also provides a fresh for hours. drinks fresh with the Mainstays. Build your kitchen from the ground up with all the cookware, bakeware, tools, dinnerware, and others to create a useful cooking and dining arrangement. The Mainstays kitchen collection focuses on colorful and decorative design applied to simple basics, keeping your daily life vibrant and efficient. This category includes such a wide variety of products that you may want to make a list of the kitchen and use the product filters on the left side of the page to browse more efficiently. This way, you'll get to see all the relevant Mainstays kitchen products in each subcategory to find the best match for your lifestyle. Mainstays 16-ounce Insulated Food Jar with No Leak Lid, Stainless Steel Temperature control: Double-walled construction that keeps food hot or cold for hours. Removable lid: No-leak, vacuum seal that will keep your food or drink fresh. Wide mouth: Opening makes this container ideal for hot soup or a cold drink. Durable: Made from 18/10 food-grade stainless steel. Dishwasher safe (top rack): Easy clean-up & frequent re-use. Measures: 3.50" x 3.50" x 6.00"

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