Strathmore 100 Series Paint Pad, Kids Watercolor Pad, 9 x 12, 20 Sheets
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Strathmore 100 Series Paint Pad, Kids Watercolor Pad, 9 x 12, 20 Sheets

Product ID: 460402258
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The Strathmore 100 series was created to help children and young artists ignite a lifelong passion for art. We understand the importance of creating the perfect surface to feel just right. That’s why we crafted artist quality paper at an economical price to allow young artists to realize the joy of art. Art is a great way to learn and play. Let your young artist explore watercolors and other painting techniques by following our fun step-by-step painting activities on the inside cover. Our water resistant painting pad lets creative ideas flow without wrinkling or rolling, so your creation will look great even after it dries. Strathmore 100 Series Paint Pad, 9” x 12”, 20 Sheets Sold as a tape-bound pad with 20 sheets Natural white pages with medium, textured surface and weight Moisture resistant For use with watercolors, markers, and poster paints Easy removal Designed for preschool and elementary artists Perfect for kids art activities Two inspirational project ideas by Art Projects for Kids printed on the inside cover Acid-free sheets   Five ways to get better at painting: Buy better art supplies: Premium art supplies, such as Strathmore papers can be just the kick-start you need to get your creative juices flowing. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE: Improve your drawing skills. Draw every day. Keep a sketchbook and use it daily. Study the experts: Take workshops. Watch how-to videos. Read art books. Visit art galleries. Join an art club. Subscribe to an art magazine. Look up art sites on the Internet. Take a life drawing class. Copy an old master work for study. Explore art movements in history. Read biographies of other artists. Make use of composition and design: Design your composition before painting. Plan a color scheme. Plan and use a value pattern. Use thumbnail sketches. Make sure to include a center of interest. Obey the laws of perspective in realistic landscapes. Take the image all the way to the edge of the paper. Use thick and thin and broken lines. Make more gradation. Make no two shapes the same! Improve your technique: Layer paint. Change colors every inch. Use economy of brush strokes. Add interesting shadows. Leave some white paper for sparkle. Observe light and shadow. Strathmore offers a wide-variety of paper products for educational and artistic use: Drawing & Illustration: Tracing, Newsprint, Sketch, Drawing, Colored Pencil, Bristol, Sequential Art Bristol, Marker & Layout, Pastel, Charcoal, Boards, Mixed Media, Toned Paper Painting: Watercolor, Palette, Canvas, Acrylic, Boards, Mixed Media, Books & Art Journals: Softcover Art Journals, Hardbound Art Journals, Wirebound Art Journals, Visual Journals Specialty Arts & Crafts: Calligraphy, Parchment, Textures, Decorative Sheets, Translucent Vellum

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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