U Brands 3-In-1 Dry Erase Calendar Whiteboard, White and Gray, 3214U
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U Brands 3-In-1 Dry Erase Calendar Whiteboard, White and Gray, 3214U

Product ID: 460418880
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For a calendar you can use month after month and year after year, look no further than this MOD Frame 3-in-1 Calendar Board from U BRANDS. It'll be a breeze to keep track of all of your commitments each day when you have this white erase calendar board. Simply mark in the correct dates and month and then erase it all when the month is through for a calendar that you can use over and over. It comes with a notes section to the side, so you can keep track of your grocery lists and any last-minute activities, and you can make it uniquely yours by hanging pictures from the bottom cork. High quality dry erase surface resists staining and ghosting Magnetic board doubles as a bulletin board Built-in cork bulletin strip for added organizing space Two-tone white and 1 in. gray frame Includes (2) medium bullet tip dry erase markers with built-in eraser caps, (2) marker clips, (8) push-pins and (31) planner magnets Comes with hassle-free mounting kit and instructions

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The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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