CritterCare Natural Paper Small Pet Bedding, Brown, 30L
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CritterCare Natural Paper Small Pet Bedding, Brown, 30L

Product ID: 460447443
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CritterCare Natural small pet bedding is the best choice for ultimate natural comfort. This natural colored paper bedding is ultra-soft and highly absorbent which keeps small pets healthy, warm and dry. CritterCare provides a natural, nurturing living space and encourages instinctive nesting and burrowing behaviors in rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, ferrets, chinchillas and other small pets. Nurture Naturally CritterCare provides a natural, nurturing living space and encourages instinctive nesting and burrowing behaviors in rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rats, mice, ferrets, chinchillas and other small pets. Encourage nesting & burrowing behavior. Hamsters and gerbils love to burrow through their bedding, while rabbits and guinea pigs prefer to make a cozy nest on top. CritterCare is the perfect balance of softness and size to indulge small pets in their natural species-specific behaviors. CritterCare is made from 100% sustainable and renewable paper fiber and designed specifically for the needs of small pets. We start by using natural reclaimed paper fiber that is both compostable and biodegradable. Then we blend it with pet-safe odor control to help keep your home smelling fresh and your pets living space as natural as the forest floor. We are dedicated to making bedding that is soft, safe and dust free for the entire family. CritterCare promises to keep your little furry friend happy and healthy so you can enjoy time together for years to come. CritterCare Natural Small Pet Brown Paper Bedding, 30L: Soft - natural, reclaimed paper fiber keeps them comfortable and warm Fresh - specially formulated for long lasting odor control Dry - maximum absorbency soaks up 2X more liquid than shavings keeping them dry and comfy Clean - 99% dust free and fast absorbency means easy clean up and you and your pet can breathe easy Made from reclaimed paper fiber that is biodegradable and compostable

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The delivery time was excellent, and the packaging was secure.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

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