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Yankee Candle Catching Rays Whole Home Freshener
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Yankee Candle Catching Rays Whole Home Freshener

Product ID: 460455423
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Yankee Candle Whole Home Air Freshener - The Yankee Candle Brand is the #1 Consumer choice in candles that fragrance the home. This fragrance device performs longer than its popular HVAC competition, and works on most filters for HVAC systems. Sharp orange and golden amber bring that great beach feeling of being warmed all the way through by a perfect summer sun. Testing Procedure for Performance: A lab study was done on the HVAC furnace filter devices to mimic the real-world. Samples of each device were hung on a standard HVAC furnace filter in a testing chamber in a lab, which was designed to mimic a typical home setting and was designed to subject each of the test devices to the exact same factors: air flow, temperature, humidity, etc. Each of the devices were weighed each day to an accuracy of 1/100th of a gram and the weight change between days shows the amount of fragrance each device dispersed each day. Top: Orange  Mid: Lavender, Rosemary, Geranium  Base: Amber, Cypress, Moss, Musk Installation Instructions: 1. Use with a clean filter. 2. Larger Homes may require more than one scent device. Personal sensitivity to fragrance will determine this. 3. Remove device from clear plastic package. 4. Product is safe to handle without gloves. You may want to wash the fragrance off your fingers after installing. 5. Use the hook provided to hang the device on filter frame or through filter media. If you have trouble piercing the media with the hook, you can use a paper clip to start the hole. This will not affect the performance of your filter. 6. We suggest hanging the device on the air entrance side of the filter but either side will work.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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