Black, Rust-Oleum Specialty ChalkBoard Paint Flat, Quart
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Black, Rust-Oleum Specialty ChalkBoard Paint Flat, Quart

Product ID: 480100789
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Paint a brand-new, black chalkboard on any smooth surface with Rust-Oleum Specialty Chalk Board with this unique coating, you can transform a corner of a room, a door or a wall into a creative surface. Use Rust-Oleum black chalkboard paint to tell the family what's for dinner or to let your kids draw safely on a wall (it's fully erasable). Chalk boards aren't just for school anymore. For best results, make sure to give this surface three days to cure completely. Before you use it for the first time rub a coating of chalk dust over the entire surface, then wipe it with an eraser. This product is designed for indoor use only. Rust-Oleum Black, Specialty Chalk Board Paint Flat, Quart Create a fun and functional chalkboard on any surface Black finish 30 fl oz of Rust-Oleum chalk board paint per can Trusted quality since 1921 For brushing on only, do not spray Apply only to a properly cleaned and prepped surface

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