Canon Speedlite EL-5, Portable Camera Flash, Compatible with Select EOS R Series Mirrorless Cameras
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Canon Speedlite EL-5, Portable Camera Flash, Compatible with Select EOS R Series Mirrorless Cameras

Product ID: 487139101
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The Speedlite EL-5 is a newly designed flash that carries over many features from the flagship Speedlite EL-1 with some modern features all its own. For example, the EL-5 uses the same high-capacity LP-EL rechargeable battery. This upgrade alone gives the EL-5 the ability to perform better than any Canon AA-battery powered flash. With this new power, at full manual flash power, you get a recycle time of 1.2 seconds, and up to 350 flashes on a single battery charge. Since the EL-5 does not have an internal fan, all of that power is being used to recycle and fire the flash. Another feature brought over from the EL-1 is the joystick and selection dial so you can effortlessly operate this flash quickly, even while shooting. Additionally, the new Multi-function connector at the EL-5’s “foot” enables advanced communications on cameras equipped with a multi-function shoe.* You can adjust settings for your flash right on your camera touch LCD. Important: because of the transition to Canon’s Multi-function accessory shoe, please be aware that Speedlite EL-5 cannot be mounted or used on Canon cameras with other accessory shoe designs.

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