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LG Tone Flex Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Neckband Earbuds HBS-XL7-32-Bit Hi-Fi DAC, Meridian Audio, Blue
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LG Tone Flex Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Neckband Earbuds HBS-XL7-32-Bit Hi-Fi DAC, Meridian Audio, Blue

Product ID: 526509514
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Working from home or on the go, the LG TONE Flex gives you high-quality audio and unbeatable convenience with a flexible design. Retract the earbuds conveniently back into the neckband for easy storage. Enjoy balanced sound with rich, clear tones for calls or tunes with Meridian Audio. 32-bit Hi-Fi DAC converts lower-quality sound into professional-grade audio. Improved multi-layer construction produces clarity in high and low ranges. Dual microphones ensure that you're heard, even in noisy environments. Press the dedicated button and stay connected with Google Assistant. Long-lasting battery gives you 10 hours of play time on a charge, with fast charging getting you up to three hours of use off of a short 10-minute charge. *If the size of the earbud tips does not match the size of your ear canals or the headset is not worn properly in your ears, you may not obtain the correct sound qualities or call performance. Change the earbud tips to ones that fit more snugly in your ears.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

2 weeks ago

Meera L.

Smooth transaction and product arrived in perfect condition.

3 weeks ago

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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