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European Expressions Intl Lap Harp Music Maker Toy
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European Expressions Intl Lap Harp Music Maker Toy

Product ID: 1135941
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Product Description The Music Maker lets people play beautiful music--regardless of prior musical experience--by simply sliding a songsheet under the strings and plucking the string above each printed note. It's really that easy! That ease of play, combined with the quality construction, is what makes the Music Maker a top seller every year. Made in Mexico by a family-owned company that has been making high-quality musical instruments for three generations.Includes 12 songs, pick, tuner and spare wire. Comes tuned for immediate enjoyment! The Logo on the Music Maker is Cyrillic, the Russian alphabet. Phonetically pronounced, it sounds like "Pyer-uh-puh-losh-ka." This is the name of a small, sweet-singing bird that lives in Belarus. This little bird only sings its song when it flies high in the sky. People hear its song, but due to the bird's tiny size, cannot see it. To people below it's as if the sky itself were singing. When factory workers first heard the Music Maker's sound over a hundred years ago, they decided to name their instrument after this little bird. From the Manufacturer A high quality introduction to the joy of music. Anyone can play - just slide a songsheet under the strings and pluck the string around each printed note. It's that easy. Made of quality hardwoods. "Oppenheim Toy Portfolio" Platinum Winner

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TrustScore 4.5 | 7,300+ reviews

Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

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The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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